Friday, March 15, 2013

Three Tons of Coke

By Michael Douglas Carlin

Three vans heading north laden with cocaine driving straight for the Juarez border. It must be crazy to think they have any chance of getting through to the other side – especially since they are all traveling together. Success is unfathomable.

Corruption stops at the border. We all know about corruption on the Mexican side – America is the land of law and order – rules – laws – arrests – punishment – consequences – no gaps – no possibility of corruption. No breach of security.

The drug dealers have money – vast sums. They study the laws. They examine the rules – the procedures. They look for weaknesses. They keep records. They wait. While law enforcement creates charts and graphs inside of conference rooms, the drug dealers have their own charts, graphs, and surveillance.

They also have lists. They hang out at the racetracks and casinos and they watch. They thumb through the mail of customs agents looking for past due notices. They find out about gambling problems, divorce, or addiction. They even create a problem where it doesn’t exist. How was that border agent to know the woman he slept with was underage? How about the kid that needs an operation? A single leverage point and the slide down the slippery slope has begun.

A few agents working in tandem along with a few safety measures put in place to trigger adherence to rules and even three very well placed tons of cocaine will slide across the border without incident.

The customs agents know this as the 5th dry run. They are happy because today they get their first payment for letting some cement slide through. They have been assured there is no risk and the next shipment will be the live “real deal”. What they could never know is the vans are not loaded today with cement - it is the real deal. The hundred-fifty grand will ease all of their burdens to make life a little easier.

At the border the additional security measure is being handled by a team of poor looking beggars armed with spray bottles and rags seeking to wash a windshield for a buck. The team of beggars descends on a car and begins washing the window. The family objects which creates commotion that distracts the family while their car is being dusted with cocaine and a small bag is placed in the cavity where gas is filled. The dogs will easily catch the scent of the cocaine residue. This family and a few other families will be grilled for hours, some will be charged with crimes, and some will serve prison sentences to eat up precious resources so that today’s cargo can get through.

Money is the grease for this machine. The hundred-fifty grand goes through first. Once it is safely in the hands of the American representing the five customs agents interests, a telephone call is placed and five beepers go off with a code and everybody knows their role and they begin to execute – they exploit the system that they all know so well.

Their job today is to keep the good, hardworking, honest, agents busy with so much work that the vans can get through.

The Federales escorted the vans from the airstrip through all of the checkpoints. It probably wasn’t necessary because the windshields had the Bengal Tiger insignia to warn all that these vans were untouchable.

As the vans approach the Zaragosa bridge a number of other vehicles fall in with them like clockwork. Horns are honked to signify the hand-off and the Federales turn off just before the point of no return. The lead car has a bundle of cash and once the car hits the customs checkpoint it is immediately waived through, the next car is held up with endless questions. The customs officer continues to ask away until his beeper goes off. He looks down then changes his tune and waives the car to Secondary for further inspection.

Secondary is where agents examine a car closely to see if there are hidden compartments where drugs are stowed. Agents tap on tires, check the gas tank and examine all of the areas where drugs are known to be hiding. Once three stations are filled the agents are all tied up.

As the next two cars come through they too are waived to Secondary for further scrutiny. All of the customs agents are either busy pounding on tires and gas tanks or shaking down innocent families. The entire border is busy with activity as the vans approach laden with drugs. Miraculously they get waived through.

So much cocaine has just passed seamlessly through the border and all it cost was a hundred-fifty thousand custom’s bribe and a few baggies of cocaine. Seems the corruption spilled over the U.S. Border. It might extend throughout the entire United States. There is simply too much money involved.

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

American Federale Trailer Goes Viral with 170,000 Views in Three Days

by Michael Douglas Carlin

It is a typical LA story. Oliver Stone walks into a sushi bar and sits down next to a filmmaker and tells him to “follow the story.” This influence plus the influence of Max Baer Junior, Quentin Tarantino, Brian De Palma, and Lawrence Kasdan leads to the completion of American Federale.

“I supplied the equipment on Reservoir Dogs and gave a couple of young filmmakers a break,” says Carlin who directed the film, American Federale. He grew up in Hollywood and had a steady stream of movie moguls at his dinner table. When he first met Lobo he knew he had hit ‘movie making pay dirt.’

Now the trailer is generating a lot of buzz. Since being posted less than three days ago this trailer is going viral. There is so much interest in border violence and cartel wars. The trailer is a snippet of the movie and seems to connect with so many people wanting to understand the reasons people are dying.

American Federale takes us behind the scenes in border Mexico where life constantly hangs in the balance. We all assume we know about life there but Lobo gives us a first hand account of his time in the Mexican State Police as well as his experiences as a Mexican Federale. He tells us about torture, bribery, and extortion. That world comes complete with a two edged sword that cuts away… but when things turn it cuts back and most often the wound is fatal. Lobo narrowly escapes with his life.

The region was ruled by Pablo Acosta who was one of the most vicious Drug Lords. Acosta would provide money for schools, hospitals and churches but would also torture, rape and murder innocent civilians to reign by terrorizing.  His power was vast.  His enormous wealth measured more than 25 Billion Dollars. Lobo is the Federale that killed Pablo Acosta in 1987.

Lobo is a not only a Mexican Federal Police officer but an American.  He tells us about living in the United States and working in Juarez, Mexico -  "The City God Forgot".  In this border town across from El Paso, Texas, the drug cartels reign supreme.   Juarez has one of the highest murder rates in Mexico and the world.  And one of the highest per capita number of widows. We get to know Lobo and the allure of becoming involved with notorious drug lords to rub elbows with the rich and powerful in border Mexico.

In this riveting documentary directed by Michael Douglas Carlin, a journalist and humanitarian who travels the world, we see a man who embraced the cartel lifestyle - power, women, money  - and then renounces it and seeks a Good Life.   At one point, Lobo made over $180,000 a year.  He never paid a bar bill.  He held sway over life and death. 

But then the viciousness of Pablo Acosta changed him. Acosta would take a man's wife, rape her for days and then return her hooked on heroin.  He killed for sport. The Mexican Government protected Acosta for many years. Then the order was given to take him down. Even then Acosta was always one step ahead as the Mexican Government leaked information to him of pending raids. One day a scrap of information tipped the scale on Acosta and he was killed in a cross border raid. A gun battle – ninety minutes of hell ensued. In the end Acosta was dead.

Being a witness to atrocities takes its toll. Lobo has been on a quest to give back to cleanse himself from the blood that spattered on his soul. He has found peace through a life of service. He has found redemption in helping ease the pain of this troubled world. American Federale is an important film and a must see.
(Link for the theatrical trailer)

About Michael Douglas Carlin: Michael writes for the Century City News about social issues including how to have a more peaceful society. His books are available on iTunes and include: A Prescription For PeacePeaceful Protests, and Rise a Knight. Carlin has produced a dozen low budget movies and American Federale is his directorial debut.

Melody Johnson
PO Box 67522
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Tráiler American Federale se vuelve viral alcanzando 170.000 visitas en tres días

by Michael Douglas Carlin

Es una típica historia de Los Angeles. Oliver Stone entra a un sushi bar y se sienta al lado de un director de cine y le dice que "siga la historia." Esta influencia más la influencia de Max Baer Junior, Quentin Tarantino, Brian De Palma, y ​​Lawrence Kasdan conducen a la terminación de American Federale.

"Suministré los equipos en Reservoir Dogs y les di a un par de jóvenes cineastas un descanso", dijo Carlin quien dirigió la película, American Federale. Se crió en Hollywood y tenía una relación constante con los magnates del cine en su mesa. Cuando conoció a Lobo sabía que iba a hacer una gran película.

El tráiler está generando un montón de comentarios. Desde que fue publicado hace menos de tres días este tráiler se está volviendo viral. Hay mucho interés en la violencia que se da en la frontera y las guerras entre cárteles. El trailer es un fragmento de la película y parece conectar con muchos que desean comprender las razones por las que estas personas están muriendo.

American Federale nos lleva detrás de las escenas en la frontera de México, donde la vida siempre pende de un hilo. Todos tenemos una idea de cómo es la vida allí, pero Lobo nos da un relato de primera mano de su tiempo en la Policía del Estado de México, así como sus experiencias como federal mexicano. Él nos habla de la tortura, el soborno y la extorsión. Ese mundo es como una espada de doble filo... que cuando se vuelve en contra tuya, corta con mucha más profundidad y  la herida es mortal. Lobo por poco se salva de morir.

La región era gobernada por Pablo Acosta quien fue uno de los narcotraficantes más viciosos. Acosta no solo proporcionaba dinero a escuelas, hospitales e iglesias, sino que también torturaba, violaba y asesinaba a civiles inocentes para reinar por medio del terror. Su poder era enorme. Su enorme riqueza alcanzo más de 25 mil millones de dólares. Lobo es el federal quien mató a Pablo Acosta en 1987.
Lobo no es sólo un oficial de la policía federal mexicana sino que es  también un norteamericano. Nos cuenta de su vida en los Estados Unidos y como es trabajar en Ciudad Juárez, México - "La ciudad que Dios olvido". En esta ciudad en la frontera frente a El Paso, Texas, reinan los carteles de la droga. Juárez tiene una de las tasas más altas de asesinatos en México y en el mundo. Y tiene uno de los números más altos de mujeres viudas. Llegamos a conocer a Lobo y su manera de involucrarse con notorios capos de la droga, codearse con los ricos y los poderosos en la frontera de México.
En este documental fascinante dirigido por Michael Douglas Carlin, un periodista y humanitario que viaja por el mundo, vemos a un hombre que abrazó la vida cartel - el poder, las mujeres, el dinero - y luego renuncia a esta y busca una buena vida. En un momento, Lobo ganó más de $ 180.000 al año. Nunca pago una factura en el bar. Tenía una vida muy peligrosa.

Pero la crueldad de Pablo Acosta lo cambió. Acosta tomaba la esposa de un hombre la violaba por días y luego volvía a inyectarse heroína. Mataba por deporte. El Gobierno de México protegió a Acosta por muchos años. Luego se dio la orden de asesinarlo. Incluso en ese entonces Acosta estaba siempre un paso por delante ya que el Gobierno mexicano le filtraba información. Un día, un trozo de información inclinó la balanza en contra de Acosta y fue asesinado en una incursión transfronteriza. Un tiroteo  infernal de noventa minutos. Al final, Acosta estaba muerto.

Ser testigo de atrocidades trae sus consecuencias. Lobo ha estado en una búsqueda para cambiar su vida  y limpiarse de la sangre que salpicó su alma. Ha encontrado la paz por medio de una vida de servicio. Él ha encontrado la redención ayudando a aliviar el dolor de este mundo atribulado. American Federale es una película importante que se debe ser vista casi de  manera obligatoria.

(Link para el remolque teatral)

Acerca de Michael Douglas Carlin: Michael escribe para Century City News sobre los problemas sociales, incluyendo  maneras de cómo tener una sociedad más pacífica. Sus libros están disponibles en iTunes, e incluyen: A Prescription For Peace, Peaceful Protests, y Rise a Knight. Carlin ha producido una docena de películas de bajo presupuesto y American Federale es su debut como director.

Melody Johnson
Centurycitynews.mj @
PO Box 67522
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Palabras clave: México, Violencia Fronteriza, Pablo Acosta, Quentin Tarantino, Lawrence Kasdan, Oliver Stone, American Federale, cárteles de la droga, Policía Federal de México,

American Federale Trailer Goes Viral with 762,000 Views in Seven Days

by Michael Douglas Carlin

American Federale chronicles the danger associated with the border between Mexico and the United States. Director and journalist, Michael Douglas Carlin takes us into both Juarez and Ojinaga with his video cameras. He put his life on the line to give us this behind the scenes look at the perils of the border. In the last decade 81 journalists have been killed in Mexico and dozens have disappeared. Most recently Jaime Gonzalez Dominguez was killed at a taco stand in Ojinaga, a town that Carlin visited.

Production on the film began over 12 years ago when Carlin was able to interview a former Mexican Federale about his experiences in the Mexican Federal Police as well as his time spent with the State Police. Lobo (not his real name for security reasons) gives us some insight into border Mexico. He tells us his experience in the trenches with over 22 gun battles and the cross border raid to kill drug lord Pablo Acosta. To put this all in perspective Pablo Acosta amassed 25 billion dollars by the time of his death. Comadante Calderoni, who led the raid, also became an extremely wealthy man amassing a sum of 400 million dollars that he moved to the United States before he entered the Witness Protection Program. While in the program he was assassinated. 

Lobo is a not only a Mexican Federal Police officer but an American.  He tells us about living in the United States and working in Juarez, Mexico -  "The City God Forgot".  In this border town across from El Paso, Texas, the drug cartels reign supreme.   Juarez has one of the highest murder rates in Mexico and the world and one of the highest per capita number of widows. We get to know Lobo and the allure of becoming involved with notorious drug lords to rub elbows with the rich and powerful in border Mexico.

In this riveting documentary directed by Michael Douglas Carlin, a journalist and humanitarian who travels the world, we see a man who embraced the cartel lifestyle - power, women, money  - and then renounces it and seeks a Good Life.   At one point, Lobo made huge sums and spent it all to navigate his treacherous path.  He never paid a bar bill.  He held sway over life and death. 

But then the viciousness of Pablo Acosta changed him. Acosta would take a man's wife, rape her for days and then return her hooked on heroin.  He killed for sport. The Mexican Government protected Acosta for many years. Then the order was given to take him down. Even then Acosta was always one step ahead as the Mexican Government leaked information to him of pending raids. One day a scrap of information tipped the scale on Acosta and that led to the cross border raid. A gun battle – ninety minutes of hell ensued. In the end Acosta was dead.

Being a witness to atrocities takes its toll. Lobo has been on a quest to give back to cleanse himself from the blood that spattered on his soul. He has found peace through a life of service. He has found redemption in helping ease the pain of this troubled world. American Federale is an important film and a must see.

(Link for the theatrical trailer)

(Link for blog)

(Link for facebook)

(Link for website)

About Michael Douglas Carlin: Michael writes for the Century City News about social issues including how to have a more peaceful society. His books are available on iTunes and include: A Prescription For PeacePeaceful Protests, and Rise a Knight. Carlin has produced a dozen low budget movies and American Federale is his directorial debut.

American Federale: Directed by Michael Douglas Carlin, Produced by Michael Mandaville (Taken, Taken II, American History X), Edited by Chrome Cobra.

For interviews please contact:
Melody Johnson
PO Box 67522
Los Angeles, CA 90067